Dave drew this one, and it's a picture of our closet downstairs. Evie figured it out, but as she was walking past her bedroom towards the stairs, she sneaked a look into her room and saw the presents sitting on her bed, so she skipped that clue, and went straight for the presents.
She was so excited for these princesses! I believe we have reached Maximum Princess Affinity Capacity. Isn't that what it's called when you are walking through the store, and your child hones in on the princess aisle and begs desperately for every piece in it? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it. MPAC. Especially Ariel. I don't know why, because we don't even own the Little Mermaid movie, but she has really developed a thing for Ariel. In fact, she wanted an Ariel cake, too. I tried to "persuade" her into Strawberry Shortcake, or even a "Waterfall cake" (a layered cake she saw on My Little Ponies), but she would have none of it. It was all about Ariel, so after her requested grilled cheese sandwich dinner...
This is as close we can get to an Ariel cake in our house. There was no way I was attempting that one. Thank you Safeway.
Evelynn loved it. She got to help us pick it out at the store, and Dave picked it up on the way home from work.
Oh, and another thing Dave picked up...
trick candles. It was pretty entertaining.
Happy Birthday Evie! The girls love seeing her cake and presents...Meg says that she "loved Evie's birthday, I loved it!" (whatever that means...maybe she joined you guys in her mind)
I'm so jealous of your kid's birthdays! Can you come out here and do that for me? Pretty please? :)
Evie looks like she had a birthday party little girls only dream of. However, I (not Evie) am left wanting... I wish you would've "attempted" the Ariel cake. I love your cakes. I'm sure it would've been sooo great. Anyway, tell Evie happy belated birthday from her best friend. (Do you think she even remembers me? :)
Wow I can't beleive she is 5!!! I remember when you were pregnant with her and we went to Victoria!!! (that was a fun trip). That seems not that long ago!!!
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