Sunday, September 02, 2007

Au Naturale

We took a trip out to Larriland Farm yesterday (thanks to a tip from the Calderwoods) for some "pick your own" goods. It was the best family activity ever! When I think about it, I imagine it as a slow motion movie, so you know it had to be good. Something about nature just brings out the best in people. Well, actually it doesn't usually bring out great things in me, but yesterday was great. It was so beautiful outside. There were a lot of bees, but since peaches and raspberries are way sweeter than me, I wasn't too worried about them. The kids had a blast running around, pulling and riding in the wagon, and helping pick (Evie was an especially good helper - Owen's goal was more of quantity than quality). It took them a while to figure out that they could eat the raspberries as they picked them, and after that we were on our own, but it was easy picking. I forgot my memory card for the camera, so the only picture I got was this one after we got home. Don't they look delicious? They are! I've had more fresh raspberries in the last two days than I have in my whole life I think. And the peaches, yum! Well, we haven't had any yet, but they look so good! They are picked "firm ripe" or something, and then they ripen over 1-3 days at room temperature (according to Larriland). All I can say, is they better be good! Fresh, ripe peaches are my absolute favorite fruit, and I am so tired of buying peaches that turn out pasty and bitter. Wish me luck. And go pick some fruit!
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1 comment:

adventure knitter said...

How much were those raspberries??? I think I want to go next week and pick some!! Yum! (and ps...if you took that picture of them, then I need photography lessons from you!)