Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The Great Furniture Swap

Because Dave works for the State Department, we live in Embassy housing, with Embassy furniture.
It's not bad.
It's a different style than I would choose, but overall it's nice looking, good quality furniture.
Once after you arrive, you can request certain items of furniture that are not in your house, that you would like in your house. And they can take anything you're not using also.
The furniture guys came on a day with one of our first snows.
This guy had been standing smoking a cigarette, and I thought it looked very Russian, so I went to take a picture. I think he got scared that he might get in trouble, because when he saw the camera, he hurried and threw away the cigarette.
Also, I thought he looked like Ashton Kutcher. They spoke a little English, so I tried to tell them that. They mostly looked confused, but then one of the guys brightened up, nodded, and said, "MTV".

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