Monday, October 25, 2010

A Few Pictures For The Previous Post...

I found a few pictures to go along with my lists...
The honey festival was crazy. Rows and rows of tent/booths and everyone selling pretty much the same thing... honey! And you could try all their different types (all with different healing properties). We bought a few types of honey, some honeycomb, some bee pollen, some "linament" (this was Dave's translation), and some other little balls of stuff that the lady tried to explain to Dave, but he didn't really understand. Later he looked it up online, and figured it was probably this propolis stuff.

No one around here uses training wheels. I'm talking, even the three-year-olds are riding two wheelers. Apparently it's because they all get these little "pre-bikes" and toddle around on them until they are basically riding without the pedals. Once our bikes got here, Evelynn went out with a couple of girls one day, and came in saying she knew how to ride a bike now. I didn't believe her, but the next day we went out, and sure enough... she had joined the gang of kids looping and zooming around the street. Okay, maybe not that proficient yet, but pretty good!

Ahhhh, dear, sweet, Papa John's... how I love you....
We tried to order Papa John's for delivery here THREE TIMES!!! Three times after we SAW the Papa John's delivery car around the corner! And they won't come. Three times after our neighbors ordered it, and they delivered! Two doors down! And they won't come. So, one Saturday morning when Dave was going by their metro stop, he got off and picked some up and brought it home (sorry, if you are reading this neighbors, when we finally get some delivery, we'll share!). Russia is funny.

We got our stuff! Yay! Now, we just need to switch out some of our furniture (things we aren't using, for things we need, and hopefully get a new sleeper sofa, for an old stinky one) and hang our pictures on the wall...
(and Owen's hat is from Land's End, not Russia, in case you were wondering.)

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