I needed to make some treats for my girls at church a few days ago, so Owen and I whipped up some delicious chocolate cupcakes. Then he and Evie helped me make them into turkeys.

I used this recipe for the cupcakes and frosting (they were super rich, moist and yummy!) and got the turkey idea from Family Fun (the candy corn they used looks way cuter, but we could only find the Indian corn). Just ignore the weird shapes. I tried out some foil cupcake cups baked on a cookie sheet rather than in a cupcake pan, and apparently I tried fitting too many at a time (about 20), because they all melded together and ended up looking like this. Oh well. They were still delicious!
Cute idea. They turned out great.
You are the most creative Mom ever. I am just not that fun. You are so cute. Loved the turkeys.
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