Evelynn was old enough to play soccer with the local rec league this year, so we signed her up. We had so much fun! She had a blast running all over the field, and it was really entertaining for us too. You should really watch four and five-year-olds play soccer (actually, maybe you shouldn't. now that I think about it, there were some parents there who were really upset and frustrated with their children who ran the wrong way, refused to participate, or counted clouds, so I'm going to leave that decision up to you. I'll just say that we spent a lot of time laughing.).

Thankfully she had spent the summer running, because they did a lot of it. They spent the first 45 minutes doing different drills, games, and exercises, and then they scrimmaged the second 45 minutes (which, while intended to be 3 on 3 or 4 on 4, ended up being more like 5 or 7 on 1 - running back and forth across the field - I'm telling you, it was really entertaining).

Thankfully she had spent the summer running, because they did a lot of it. They spent the first 45 minutes doing different drills, games, and exercises, and then they scrimmaged the second 45 minutes (which, while intended to be 3 on 3 or 4 on 4, ended up being more like 5 or 7 on 1 - running back and forth across the field - I'm telling you, it was really entertaining).
Congratulation Evie.
Sweet! I played soccer from 7 to 17, and I highly recommend it! Best game, great work-out.
Bailey just started soccer. Bailey is one of those running the wrong way, but she made some goals too to make up for it. Oh, I wish I could watch Evie play! You go girl.
Evie looks so cute in those pics! I wonder if Meg would actually participate if we signed her up next year??? Probably not...she won't even sing in primary...
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