Wednesday, March 05, 2008

You Will Love Me. You Will Hate Me.

This right here is the number one reason you will love me and then, later hate me. Never in my life have I "greased and floured" a pan. What's the point? Just spray enough Pam on there, and you're good to go, right? Wrong. $2.09 at the local grocery store, it is amazing. Baking spray with flour! Give it a shot. I dare you. You will love me. You will be baking up a storm, just to see it in action. And then, unless you have the metabolism of mouse (they have good metabolisms, right?), you will be hating me next time you step onto the scale.
The next reason you will love me and also hate me is this recipe for Orange Mini-Muffins with Brown Sugar Glaze. If you like sugar, then Sugar, you're going to love these. Talk about melt in your mouth... and all the way down to your thighs. Melt some butter and sugar together and drink it, and your thighs will be better off, but oh your taste buds, they would be deprived. If you have as much self-control as I do, I would recommend making these when there are several other people around. What happens is people want to try just one, and then can't stop. So, make sure that you are not the only one around, or you might eat all of them. Don't say I didn't warn you.
And the final reason you will love and hate me is Pioneer Woman - the woman who brought me (and now you) both Baker's Joy and the Orange Mini-Muffin with Brown Sugar Glaze recipe. She has this fantastic website, Pioneer Woman Cooks with all kinds of normal* recipes. And she's funny. I first found her blog a long time ago, but wasn't too interested. Then recently, I was doing a little bit of blog surfing, and I kept seeing her link again on people's lists. I finally decided to check it out for real this time, and found her first (I think?) blog, Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. What I have to say about that - she is hilarious and takes some amazing pictures. When I need a good laugh, I go read a little. But when I need something good to cook, I go to Pioneer Woman Cooks!
*I always see recipes or recipe books that say they are "normal" and use things that you already have in your pantry and then proceed to list things that I couldn't even find within 30 miles (well, maybe that's pushing it). Let me clarify that when I say "normal" I mean, normal to me, with things I would have in my pantry. Oh and also delicious and often extremely unhealthy. Did I mention you would hate me? Enjoy!


Emily Norby said...

Have spent about 3 minutes on P.W. Cooks, and already I'm addicted.

Thanks, in advance, for the added pounds!

Starley Family said...

OOOH I should try posting this and have more people gain a bit so I wont have to lose. Just kidding. Let me know whrn you're baking and I will help share the lbs. By the way Sjauna makes the best chocolate chip cookies. I will let her share the secret extract ingredient...

adventure knitter said...

Hooray! I'm glad you posted that blog! I was hoping you'd email me the link or something...but this is great too! And I definitely need to try those mini muffins. Yum. That the best part of being prego...not really worrying about gaining the weight.

adventure knitter said...

Okay, now that I've ACTUALLY been to the website I'm totally hooked. Thank you Sjauna, Thank you! I'm going to make a few of these recipes over the next week. Want to come over??

Hizzeather said...

I wish I was Pioneer Woman...

Sarah Jackson said...

I could never hate you! And I'm in love with Pioneer Woman...

Nicole said...

Gotta love Pioneer Woman! She's FABULOUS. I love her photography too and when I'm feeling down and out she can make me lol. Sjauna, I've got nottin' but love for ya, honey.