Saturday, March 17, 2007


We finally got a picture with Dave's entire basketball team, and you can see all of their faces. Yay! We also got a picture of all of everyone's families. Most other players don't have anyone that comes to watch them, let alone an entire preschool, so I'm sure the people that run this place don't know what to do with themselves when we all come around. Usually they leave us alone, but sometimes (like this night) someone will wander around and try to remind us to control our children by telling us that our children our not allowed to do each of the things that they are doing. I think it's kind of entertaining, personally.

So, the boys won! At the beginning of the season, this night was supposed to have been the championship game, so three of the team scheduled trips out of town for the next day. Half way through the season, they had to change the schedule, and bumped the chamionship game up to the next week, so this was the last game with our full team. I'm happy to report that they won (by like ten points)! So, our collective team came out of the season as champions as far as I am concerned (oh, and for good sportsmanship sake, they would have been champions anyway, right?). The rest of the team came close to, but did not pull off a final win in the chamionship game, but were sure that had the whole team been there, it would have been in the bag, so they are all looking forward to next year! Another season where basketball will, yet again, trump my life.

Dave did go home and shave his head after this game - just for the record.
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