Friday, July 10, 2009


While my Mom was in town, she was nice enough to stay with the kids for a couple of days, so Dave and I could have a little getaway (who are we kidding, she practically kicked us out the door). We had planned to visit another island (or "go outer island" in local speak), but with Dave's work schedule and me being sick, we decided to just relax on Oahu.
Courtesy of a lucky bid on, we procured a room at the Hawaii Prince Hotel, and it could not have been better! Check out this view from our room! I was a little worried that we might end up right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Waikiki, but this was just on the western edge, and right by a marina! I love marinas! It was so perfect!
Saying good night to our kids way out there on the western shore. Good night guys!
We could not get enough of the view! And with huge picture windows that opened!
It was great to just relax, sleep, do some shopping, a little sightseeing, more relaxing, and more sleeping - all on our own schedule!
Thanks, Mom!
And Happy lucky number Seven, Babe!


Aaron and Melissa said...

I am SO jealous. Aaron and I are WAY overdue for a getaway. The last time it was just the two of us was 5 years ago when we went to Baltimore for 2 days. Not much of a getaway! Hawaii looks so beautiful and relaxing! Looks like you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Man, it must really stink being in Hawaii. JK
Can't wait to see you guys soon.

Heatherlyn said...

What a FANTASTIC view!!!
The picture of you two together on the bottom is really cute too!!! Glad you could get away. I hope that you feel better soon!

Hizzeather said...

Fun! I wish Cody and I could have done this for you, but you wouldn't let us. :) Your mom rocks!

Happy Belated Anniversary!