Dave turned thirty this year. That's kind of a big deal, right? I mean, twenty-five, that's a quarter of a century, but thirty? that's a whole new generation. Sing it with me now, "Moving on u-up."
So, to mark the passing of another decade, he pretty much had an awesome weekend. Well, I guess it all depends on your interpretation, but I thought it was an awesome weekend. Here's what happened.
He started the weekend off on a man date with a couple of friends to see The Dark Knight. Awesome. Then, he came home to a couple more friends...
(I thought it was pretty awesome that I pulled it off too!)
Look at me. I'm thirty. Happy Birthday sweetie! Awesome.
Then, when he came home on Monday (his actual birthday), Evelynn had drawn this awesome treasure map for him.
It lead him to a clue upstairs, and then he had a few more clues to search out before he found...
dun dun dun... presents! Wrapped in treasure map wrapping paper. Awesome.
You're awesome babe! Happy Birthday!
He had asked for a Wii Fit. I was thinking of getting him something cool, but the stars aligned, and...
Here he is in all his awesome wii-fit-ness.
Turning it on. Trying it out. Doing the body test....
Why yes, actually.
Hula-hooping it up! Woot woot. Awesome.
And then, we ended the day with his favorite of course,...
pineapple upside down cake. Awesome.
So, I hope you thought it was as awesome as I did honey.
Here's to another awesome thirty years!
Awesome. Tell dave H.B. for me and also, I have a present for him. Here's a hint. It's a dime. And yes, Anne was gracious enough to do a "credit check" with it so it's authentic. PS. nice upside down cake!
way to post this blog like 2 months after the fact! and yes, that was an AWESOME party! good food, good friends, and the look on Dave's face....priceless!
Happy birthday like forever ago. I was reading this and thought to myself, "He already HAD Wii Fit!" Amy's comment put it all in perspective.
Great post Captain Awesome! ;)
The surprise party part may have been more believable if you had posted pictures of people actually being at the party. For all we know, he's just surprised because no one came. :)
ha ha
Anyways, looks like a great bday old man. I can't wait to play with your wii fit! :)
I don't have any teeff!
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