A couple of weeks ago, during the usual bedtime routine, Dave introduced a new phrase to our children (we occasionally like to expand their vocabularies) - "Rotten Egg". The purpose of the introduction was to scare the children up the stairs with the threat of otherwise becoming the dreaded... dun dun dun... rotten egg. Used in a sentence: "Last one upstairs is a rotten egg!", it worked like a charm. The children ran screaming up the stairs with absolutely no idea of what an actual rotten egg was (or whatever it was we were saying), but sure that it was an extreme threat. It became clear a few days later that Evie hadn't heard exactly what we were saying, when we were on our way upstairs in the middle of the day. She had uttered the now familiar phrase, and I decided to give her a run for her money. I beat her to the top and though Owen was still behind her she flew into hysterics (okay, a little exaggerated). When I asked her what was wrong, because with Owen behind her, she obviously was not a rotten egg, she said...
"I wanted to be the Rockin' Egg."
Ohhhhhhh... the Rockin' Egg. Right.
So at our house, we no more have Rotten Eggs, but Rockin' Eggs. And apparently a need for hearing tests all around.
"I wanted to be the Rockin' Egg."
Ohhhhhhh... the Rockin' Egg. Right.
So at our house, we no more have Rotten Eggs, but Rockin' Eggs. And apparently a need for hearing tests all around.

Once again your post left me cracking up.
-Kristen Lundberg (I am leaving my last name since I am an infrequent comment poster)
Rock on, Evie! Rock on...
Cute! I will have to try that one some time.
we've tried that with our kids too and they both WANT to be the rotten egg...except that Meg thinks that if you're first, then you're the rotten egg....ahh, kids...
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