So, Dave was nice enough to post a picture on Thursday for all of her adoring masses (word.), and here is a little more detail for all of my adoring masses (come on, I know you're out there).
After a long month of contractions, I finally began to see more signs of labor under a blue moon, on a snowy, New Year's Eve morning. I sent Dave off to work and went back to bed (secretly hoping that if I acted like nothing was happening that this would, in fact turn into real labor) (about 6am).
I woke up about an hour and half later (about 7:30am), got the kids up, and got all ready for the day. I grabbed a few essentials ("just in case"), scraped the snow off the car, dropped the kids off at our neighbors, and headed off to my previously scheduled doctor appointment (well, technically my nurse-midwife appointment) (about 9am). I was about twenty minutes late, and I was hoping to use "labor" as an excuse, so I thought I better start timing the contractions and see if they were even consistent. After all, I had been having contractions for a month. In the thirty minute drive, I had three perfectly spaced contractions. Could it be? Could it be real labor?
I saw the nurse-midwife, who sounded pretty positive to me that I was in labor (a good 4.5-5cm, 100%, 0 station). She told me to call my husband, and not to go far.
About forty minutes later, I had met up with Dave, grabbed some lunch, and contractions were about 4 minutes apart (about 11am). The nurse-midwife had suggested that I go walk around the mall, but my experience told me that I probably should just head on over to the hospital (for me the contractions are pretty manageable throughout most of labor. at the point where I start asking for medication, I'm usually in transition and only have a short time left. I did not want to be in transition at the mall.)
We got all checked into the hospital, and went for a walk around the hall as per the nurse's instructions. I hated it. I am not a "walk during labor" person. But I'm glad I tried, because a lot of people recommend it, and I was always curious. The contractions were very painful though, and trying to walk or be standing in the hallway made things very stressful and not relaxing, making labor probably more difficult, blah blah blah. We went back to the room.
I was very thankful that the nurse and nurse-midwife that I had were okay with me not having an IV and not wearing the monitors. I hate having an IV. And I hate wearing the monitors. (By the way, this was at Howard County General, and it was such a better experience than I had at GBMC, but that could have also been the doctor or the nurse. It makes me even more thankful that I was able to have a doula for my last delivery!) They just let me do my thing for the next little while (sorry, I wasn't watching the clock), and then we had a baby (1:04pm). Tah-dah!
And she is adorable!
And so soft and fuzzy.
And we named her Barbara.
And we think she is tiny, but people like to remind us that 9lbs, 5oz and 21 inches long is not tiny.
I usually like to stay at the hospital for as long as I can, take advantage of the pain medication and the nursery, and get as much rest as I can before going home with baby. I'm not sure why, maybe because Barbara is such a good baby, maybe because my recovery has been very easy, maybe because I was lonely at the hospital with my family at home, maybe because I feel like Dave makes a great nurse, I don't know why, but I felt weird being at the hospital, so we checked out the next afternoon/evening, and came home.
I just love my family.
Any questions?
P.S. Obviously labor/delivery/childbirth is not a picnic, but I feel very, very, very blessed to have been able to have three relatively quick, easy, and uncomplicated labor/delivery/recoveries. This is the first time that I didn't even ask for medication, and I attribute that to experience, a fantastic nurse/nurse-midwife/hospital, great tips and techniques from my doula during my last labor/delivery, a great Dave, and whatever reason that just allows it to work for me.
I feel like there is something else I should be saying, but I can't think of what it is. Any ideas?
She really IS adorable, soft, and fuzzy! And I think I will be making another visit to hold her soon! (and she really IS little....because she's newborn...)
I wish I could have quick, easy, uncomplicated labor/deliveries.
She is very cute Sjauna, good job. I like the name you picked. One you don't hear too often anymore.
I am so glad everything went well. She is precious. There is nothing to sweet and innocent as a newborn baby. Enjoy her while she is small. :)
The name does bring reactions, even though it's a very nice name. I mean, it's not Apple or anything! :)
It's already grown on me. Little B is what I want to call her. There are so many nicknames for Barbara...Babs, Barb, Bobbie, Barbie, Ra...ok, I made that last one up.
Congrats! I hope my labors are as uncomplicated! :)
Congratulations! She is adorable and you are a stud!
Babs is so cute :)
Congratulations! She is beautiful. So glad to hear that all went so well and that you're home enjoying your happy family. Happy New Year!
Congrats Sjauna and Dave! She's perfect. Absolutely beautiful. I have my own set of names that I am sure others could comment on but that's what makes being the mom and dad so special. I think her name is just right for what it's worth and she'll be as lovely as Evelyn.
She looks perfect and beautiful and healthy! I think 9lbs 5oz is still tiny, even if it's a big baby she's still a BABY!
Wow that you don't use pain medication. I think I would die! You are amazing!
Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl! We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet here...not too much longer. It sounds like you had a perfect birth experience. Avery's excited for a new friend.
Congrats! she is just beautiful. I am happy everything went so well for you too. Way to go!
Hooray--she is beautiful! I knew a Barbara Ann that was such a doll so I love the name. Hope you are feeling well.
Congrats! She's a doll! Glad to hear things went well. Hope you guys are enjoying her. Please let us know if you need anything. We are sick right now, or I'd come get Owen to play at our house so you can nap! Maybe next week sometime.
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