I have been looking for an advent calendar/list of activities to count down for Christmas this year (has anyone seen anything like that??), and I came across this advent puzzle through sugardoodle. And since it's been hanging on the wall, the kids have done dishes, vacuumed the floor, written a secret note and hidden it in a pajama drawer, called Grandma to ask about her Christmas when she was younger, ding-dong-ditched some cookies to a neighbor, and when asked about a time that Heavenly Father answered their prayers, answered, "Every time!"
Nothing against those paper chains, but I think this is a much more thought-provoking way to prepare for Christmas.
What a FANTASTIC idea.
Somebody made it for our group during our FHE exchange a couple years ago and we love it as well.
That's fantastic! CAn I just hire them to come clean my house??
What a great idea!
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