Monday, November 24, 2008

Road Trip New England: Going Home

We had tentatively planned to just come back to Maryland the same way we had left it - through New Jersey, but since the trip was kind of thrown together last minute, we hadn't figured out the details yet, or printed a map. So, on the last morning of our trip, we changed plans, and headed home through Pennsylvania (we came upon the route by clicking "avoid tolls" in google maps and then tweaking it a little. we had forgotten all about that option until this day). It added about 45 minutes on to our trip (and when you've been driving for five days, does 45 minutes really make a difference?), but it was a beautiful drive, and we got to stop at Hershey's Chocolate World. We always love Chocolate World. Also, because we could take a "back way" home from Pennsylvania, we made a complete round trip, without driving the same road twice (kind of lame, but I still feel like it was an accomplishment).

Oh, and another significant event on this day - I found the "vivid" setting on my camera. Yeah, that was super exciting. Finding the perfect setting to photograph fall leaves on our way home from New England in October. I guess that's what I get for not learning how to use my camera.
And that's it. Home. The first Schorr family trip/"vacation" made for the sole purposes of spending time with each other and experiencing something new. We love visiting family, and because we live across the country from most of them, all of our "vacations" are usually combined with going to a wedding or family reunion or something. This one was just for us. And it was fantastic! (and for the record, Dave's height causes him a lot of discomfort in smaller spaces for extended periods of time - like cars on a road trip for example, but he didn't even complain once, and in fact loved the trip. Maybe it's a mindset thing. Or maybe he just loves me and the kids. A lot.)
P.S. I almost gave up on posting this entire trip, but I decided to finish for a couple of reasons - for my own records (because I still sometimes play with the idea of printing out this monstrous blog) and for your reference, should you decide to attempt a trip like this (which I think you definitely should - it was so much fun!). I know it's hard to believe, but I left out a lot of details, so I would like to mention here that if you ever have questions about any of our trips or activities, feel free to ask me about them and I will be happy to give you plenty of details.


Cal said...

On behalf of those who read your blog, thank you for these posts. It was a great trip! (for us too)

Hizzeather said...

To Callie - Amen have to make a book from your blog...your blog rocks.

Heatherlyn said...

I agree. You have a fantastic blog. Your pictures are really great. It would be a super book.